Sunday, August 13, 2006

Brucee Lees Favorite…

Vegetable: Thakka-Lee
Breakfast: Id-Lee
Festival: Diwa-Lee
Actress: Sona-Lee
Film: Gill-Lee
Animal: Pal-Lee
Friend: You (Koma-Lee)


Withdrawing cash from ATM.

How a BOY withdraws cash from ATM.
1. Park the car
2. Go to ATM Machine
3. Insert card
4. Enter PIN
5. Take money out
6. Take ATM Card out
7. Drive away

How a GIRL withdraws cash from ATM
1. Park the car
2. Check makeup
3. Turn off engine
4. Check makeup
5. Go to ATM
6. Hunt for ATM card in the purse
7. Insert card
8. Hit Cancel
9. Hunt in purse for chit with PIN written on it
10. Insert card11. Enter PIN
12. Take cash
13. Go to car
14. Check makeup
15. Start car
16. Stop car
17. Run back to ATM
18. Take ATM card
19. Back to car
20. Check makeup
21. Start car
22. Check makeup
23. Drive for 1/2 mile
24. Release handbrake

CA New syllabus…

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has proposed to introduce aNew Scheme of Education and Training. The students who are undergoingeducation and training under the existing scheme are offered the TransitionScheme as given below.Proposed Transition Scheme for Professional Education (Course-I)StudentsAn existing student of Professional Education (Course-I) has two options:! To continue with the Professional Education (Course-I) till the lastProfessional Education (Examination-I) is held in November 2007; or! To switch over to Common Proficiency Test (CPT) at any time till thelast Professional Education (Examination-I) is held in November 2007.All students of Professional Education (Course-I) can switch over to CPT.They have to apply in the prescribed format to the appropriate office of theInstitute. They have to deposit Rs.100 in the form of Demand Draft/PayOrder drawn in favour of ‘The Secretary, The Institute of CharteredAccountants of India’ payable at the respective cities, along with the filledin application form. The Board of Studies will send them study package forCPT free of cost. All such students are entitled to appear in the first CPTexamination proposed to be held in November, 2006 in case they register 30days before the first day of November, 2006.There will be a facility for online application and remittance of fees as well.Proposed Transition Scheme for Professional Education (Course-II)StudentsStudents of the Professional Education (Course-II) would fall under thefollowing broad categories:(a) ! Students who have passed one of the Groups of ProfessionalEducation (Examination-II);! Students who have appeared in Professional Education(Examination-II), but not passed any of the Groups; and! Students who have registered for Professional Education (Course-II) and eligible to appear in Professional Education(Examination-II), but not yet appeared.(b) Students who are registered, provisionally or otherwise, for ProfessionalEducation (Course-II), but ineligible to appear in Professional Education(Examination-II).Proposed transition scheme for the categories of candidates falling under (a)above is as under:(i) Register for Professional Competence Course (PCC) , Articled / Audittraining and 100 Hours Information Technology Training;Join articles thereafter for 3½ years / equivalent period of audit training(56 months) ;Complete 100 hours Information Technology Training;Appear in Professional Competence Examination (PCE) in May 2008or thereafter, without the requirement of completion of minimum 18months of practical training; or(ii) Continue with Professional Education (Examination-II) till the lastProfessional Education (Examination-II) to be held in May 2008.Proposed transition scheme for the categories of students falling under (b)above is as under: -(i) Register for Professional Competence Course (PCC), Articled / Audittraining and 100 Hours Information Technology Training;Join articles thereafter for 3½ years / equivalent period of audit training( 56 months) ;Complete 100 hours Information Technology Training;Appear in Professional Competence Examination (PCE) in May 2008or thereafter, without the requirement of completion of minimum 18months of practical training; or(iI) Continue with Professional Education (Course-II)/Examination till theTransition SchemeChart 1: Transition Scheme for Professional Education(Course-I) students at a glanceSwitch over to CPT oncethe course is announcedand appear in November2006 examination.Pay only Rs. 100 accountof registration fee.Free study package will besent to the students.Existing students of Professional Education (Course –I):Provisionally registered or having regular registrationAppear CPT on fulfilmentof the specified periodfrom the date ofregistration which hasbeen fixed as 30 days forNovember 2006examination.Provisionally registered student cansubmit pass certificate of 10+2 andobtain regular registration andcontinue with Professional Education(Course –I)Students having regular registrationmay also continue with ProfessionalEducation (Course-I).Appear Professional Education(Examination-I) to be held inNovember 2006, May 2007 andNovember 2007ORSwitch over to CPT at any stage beforeappearing in Professional Education(Examination-I) to be held inNovember 2007.Students who will fail to qualify inProfessional Education (Examination-I) to be held in November 2007 willhave the choice to join back CPT.last Professional Education (Examination-II) to be held in May 2008.In addition, students who have passed Professional Education (Examination-II) either at the time of commencement of the proposed Scheme or later, butnot joined articles due to various reasons, are proposed to be allowed to joinarticles up to May 2009. They can join articles thereafter for a period of 3years.Proposed Transition Scheme for Final StudentsThe proposed transition scheme for the Final Course students, who havepassed Professional Education (Examination-II), and are under articles, isas under:! On completion of 2 years of training, such students are eligible toappear in the Final Examination, so long as the same is held under theexisting syllabus i.e., upto November 2009.In the event of a candidate not being eligible to appear till the last FinalExamination to be held in November 2009 under the existing syllabus, willbe required to appear in the Final Examination under the proposed syllabus,but only during the last six months of articles (articles period being 3 yearsonly).Proposed Transition Scheme for the students who passed ProfessionalEducation (Examination-I) or Foundation Examination but not takenadmission to Professional Education (Course-II)A student falling under this category will be admitted only in ProfessionalCompetence Course (PCC) after the commencement of the proposed scheme.Proposed Implementation Schedule of the New Education andTraining Scheme and Examinations thereunderCommencement of New Scheme September 1, 2006Registration commences for CPT September 1, 2006E D U C A T I O N A N D T R A I N I N GLast Date for Registration of PE-I August 31, 2006Last PE-I Examination November, 2007Last Date for Registration for the first CPTexamination October 1, 2006Last Date for Depositing ExaminationApplication Form for November, 2006 CPT October 1, 2006First CPT Examination November, 2006Declaration of Result of First CPT Examination Within one monthLast Date for Registration for PE II course August 31, 2006Registration commences for Articlesunder New Scheme (Applicable to PE-I/Foundation Pass Students) September 1, 2006Last PE-II Examination May, 2008First Professional Competence Examinationfor students joining Professional CompetenceCourse after passing Professional Education(Examination –I) / Foundation Examination May, 2008First Professional Competence Examinationfor students joining Professional CompetenceCourse after passing CPT November, 2008Last date for Registration of Articles of 3years duration for PE-II qualified students 31st May, 2009Last Final Examination (Old) November, 2009First Final Examination (New) November, 2008First batch of students under CPT eligiblefor Final Examination May, 2010Chart 2: Transition Scheme for Professional Education(Course-II) students at a glanceStudents of Professional Education (Course-II)Category A:! Students who have passed oneof the Groups of ProfessionalEducation (Examination-II);! Students who have appeared inProfessional Education(Examination-II), but not passedany of the Groups; and! Students who have registeredfor Professional Education (Course-II) and eligible to appear inProfessional Education(Examination-II), but not yetappeared.Category B:! Students who areregistered, provisionally orotherwise, for ProfessionalEducation (Course-II), butineligible to appear inProfessional Education(Examination-II).! Register for ProfessionalCompetence Course (PCC) ,Articled / Audit training and 100Hours Information TechnologyTraining ;Join articles thereafter for 3½years / equivalent period of audittraining (56 months) ;Complete 100 hours InformationTechnology TrainingAppear in ProfessionalCompetence Examination (PCE) inMay 2008 or thereafter, withoutthe requirement of completion ofminimum 18 months of practicaltraining; or! Continue with ProfessionalEducation (Examination-II) tillthe last Professional Education(Examination-II) to be held inMay 2008.! Register forProfessional CompetenceCourse (PCC) , Articled /Audit training and 100Hours InformationTechnology Training ;Join articles thereafter for3½ years / equivalentperiod of audit training(56 months) ;Complete 100 hoursInformation TechnologyTrainingAppear in ProfessionalCompetence Examination(PCE) in May 2008 orthereafter, without therequirement of completionof minimum 18 months ofpractical training; or! Continue withProfessional Education(Course-II)/Examinationtill the last ProfessionalEducation (Examination-II) to be held in May 2008.E D U C A T I O N A N D T R A I N I N GA Professional Education (Course-II) student who has been granted anexemption under Regulation 37A(7) in one or more papers shall continueto enjoy the said exemption in the corresponding paper(s) under PCC asgiven below in the Table1:Table 1: Subject-wise Exemption for PE-II ExaminationExisting NewProfessional Education (Course-II) Professional Competence CourseGroup I Group IPaper 1: Accounting Advanced Accounting (100 Marks)Paper 2: Auditing Auditing and Assurance (100 Marks)Paper 3: Business and Corporate Laws Law, Ethics and CommunicationSection A: Business Law (60 marks) Part I: Law (60 Marks)Section B: Corporate Laws (40 marks) Business Laws (30 Marks)Company Law (30 Marks)Part II: Business Ethics (20 Marks)Part III: Business Communication(20 Marks)Group II Group IIPaper 4: Cost Accounting and Cost Accounting and FinancialFinancial Management ManagementSection A: Cost Accounting (60 marks) Part I: Cost Accounting (50 Marks)Section B: Financial Management Part II: Financial Management(40 marks) (50 Marks)Paper 5: Income-tax and Central TaxationSales Tax Part I: Income-tax (75 Marks)Section A: Income Tax (75 marks) Part II: Service Tax and VAT (25Section B: Central Sales Tax Marks)(25 marks)Paper 6: Information Technology Information Technology and StrategicManagementSection A: Information Technology(50 Marks)Section B: Strategic Management(50Marks)A Final student who has been granted an exemption under Regulation38A(7) in one or more papers under the existing Final Examination shallcontinue to enjoy the said exemption until its expiry in the correspondingpaper(s) under New Final Course for the purpose of passing New FinalExamination as given below in Table 2.Table 2 : Subject-wise Exemption for Final ExaminationFinal Course Final New Course*Group I Group IPaper 1: Advanced Accounting Financial Reporting (100 Marks)Paper 2: Management Accounting Strategic Financial Management (100and Financial Analysis Marks)Paper 3: Advanced Auditing Advanced Auditing and ProfessionalEthics (100 Marks)Paper 4: Corporate Laws and Secretarial Corporate and Allied LawsPractice Section A: Company Law (50 Marks)Section B: Allied Laws (30 Marks)Group II Group IIPaper 5: Cost Management Advanced Management Accounting (100Marks)Paper 6: Management Information Information Systems Control &and Control Systems Quantitative TechniquesSection A: Information SystemsControl (70 Marks)Section B: Quantitative Techniques(30 Marks)Paper 7: Direct Taxes Direct Tax Laws (100 Marks)Paper 8: Indirect Taxes Indirect Tax LawsSection A: Central Excise (40 Marks)Section B: Service Tax (40 Marks)Section C: Customs (20 Marks)*Nomenclature of various papers is subject to the approval of the Council.


Friday, August 11, 2006

13 signs of falling in love***

13. When your on the phone with them late at night and they hangup...butyou miss them already when it was just two minutes ago
12. You read their texts over and over again...
11. You walk really slow when you're with them...
10. You feel shy whenever you're with them...
9. When you think about them, your heart beats faster and faster...
8. You smile when you hear their voice...
7. When you look at them, you can't see the other people aroundyou... all you see is him/her...
6. You start listening to slow songs, while thinking of them...
5. They become ALL you think about...
4. You get high just from their scent...
3. You realize that you're always smiling to yourself when you thinkabout them...
2. You would do anything for them...
1. While reading this, there was one person on your mind the whole time.....


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Lovely Story

This is a lovely story It's said that we have a choice to make. I've chosen. Now it's your turn to choose.

The story goes that some time ago, a man punished his 5-year-old daughter for wasting a roll of expensive gold wrapping paper. Money was tight, and he became even more upset when the child pasted the gold paper so as to decorate a box to put under the Christmas tree. Nevertheless, the little girl brought the gift box to her father the next morning and said, "This is for you, Daddy." The father was embarrassed by his earlier over reaction, but his anger flared again when he found the box was empty. He spoke to her in a harsh manner, "Don't you know, young lady, when you give someone a present there's supposed to be something inside the package?". The little girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes and said, "Daddy, it's not empty. I blew kisses into it until it was full." The father was crushed... He fell on his knees and put his arms around his little girl, and he begged her to forgive him for his unnecessary anger.

An accident took the life of the child only a short time later, and it is told that the father kept that gold box by his bed for all the years of his life.

And whenever he was discouraged or faced difficult problems, he would open the box and take out an imaginary kiss and remember the love of the child who had put it there.

In a very real sense, each of us as human beings have been given a golden box filled with unconditional love and kisses from our children, family and friends. There is no more precious possession anyone could hold.
